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    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Do the Impossible by Being Impossible

    Take a moment to reflect on a time when you faced something that seemed impossible. Maybe it was a dream, a task, or an expectation. What if I told you that you were the only reason it was impossible?

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Rebounding When You Hate the Job or Business You Once Loved

    If you are a business owner, part of your job is to know that those highs and lows are to be expected. But what no one ever warns you about is how a job or business that once brought you so much joy could become something you despise.


    Stop Worrying and Start Living

    Who among us can claim that worry has resulted in a longer life? The same thing applies to business. Who among us can claim that worry has resulted in business growth? I’m confident the answer is no one.   In


    Seeing Issues from the Other Persons Perspective

    Sometimes our own viewpoint and limited line of thought can hinder us when we are confronted with an issue. This lack of perspective can make you your own worst enemy. But incredible things can happen if you take a step

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Is the Answer in the Question?

    “Lead by Taking Action.” That is one of the core values of our companies. It builds credibility and reinforces the perceptions of our employees, vendors, and clients that we are strong, determined decision-makers.

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Take the Risk or Fail

    Has innovation died and is foreclosure knocking on your door? What risks have you taken in an effort to change the world? If you stop challenging yourself to achieve more and to pursue greater opportunities, you are missing the point of being a leader.

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    All Problems are People Problems

    “When hiring, look for the people with the right attitude. Skills can be taught. Attitude changes require a brain transplant.” – Elon Musk   On the surface, it looks like I am in the construction, specialized equipment, and safety gear

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