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Get to know Bruce Mattioda, EZG Manufacturing Shop Sales Rep.  

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    Contractor Tip of the Month


    There is nothing quite like a fine dining experience. You can expect the presentation and taste of your food to be perfect, service will be impeccable, and your server’s highest priority is your satisfaction. From your perspective as a customer,

    Contractor Tip of the Month


    I admit it. I fell for the “say yes to everything” business practice trap. For most of my career, I was convinced that saying yes was my ticket to greater success. In reality, saying yes to everything also meant I

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Building an “A” Team

    Getting the right people in the right roles. That is one of the most essential elements in operating any business.


    Game Changing Refractory Mixers

    Every day in countries all over the world, manufacturing and production facilities of all types and sizes rely on EZG Refractory Mud Hogs to dependably do the jobs other mixers can’t do. Few other industries face the tough challenges and


    Fencing the Power of the Sun

    The topic of green energy has been a mainstay in the world’s news headlines for years. But several factors have placed an even greater emphasis on the subject in recent months. The Environmental Protection Agency’s aggressive stance on fossil fuels

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    There Are No Assumptions in Effective Conflict Management

    Some of the best conflict resolution advice I ever received came from a contractor friend. He told me, “Spend three times the effort understanding the other person’s position as you do your own, and you will always find the solution.”

    Contractor Tip of the Month

    Policies for Maintaining Harmony at Your Workplace

    I have received tremendous feedback from an article I wrote a few years ago about my corporate polices, so I decided to provide an update for my readers.   It may seem odd to some people, but my wife and

    Contractor Tip of the Month


    “Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending that we are individuals that can go it alone.” – Margaret Wheatley The

    Contractor Tip of the Month


    In my toast at my youngest daughter Rachel’s wedding last year, I revealed to her that she is one of my role models. I was proud to tell her that for the last 20 years, while watching her grow into

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