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Get to know Bruce Mattioda, EZG Manufacturing Shop Sales Rep.  

Do the Impossible by Being Impossible

Take a moment to reflect on a time when you faced something that seemed impossible. Maybe it was a dream, a task, or an expectation. What if I told you that you were the only reason it was impossible?


There is a little-known quote from Matt Hill that says, “When faced with the impossible, be impossible and you will certainly do the impossible.”


Pretty powerful stuff, right? I hope you are now more motivated to reconsider the plan you deemed hopeless.


Before I elaborate on this incredible quote, I want to tell you who Matt Hill is and what inspired his words. If you have read any of my past Tips, you know I incorporate quotes from renowned businesspeople and others of notoriety. But I am confident you have never heard of Matt Hill. So, who is he?


Matt is my niece’s husband, and the story behind what sparked that message and the subsequent work he has done to perpetuate his mission is inspiring.


When he was a senior in high school, Matt was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors informed him that his right leg had to be amputated and he had to undergo nine months of intensive chemotherapy. He could have given up, but instead, he took this tragic diagnosis as an opportunity to bring strength to not only himself, but others facing difficult situations. He never stopped his pursuit of becoming a pharmacist, weightlifter, and runner.


The quote I shared with you was part of the speech he gave at his high school graduation. The wisdom he imparted to his classmates later became the foundation of his life’s mission to help others diagnosed with cancer.


What gives latitude to Matt’s words is how they inspire across all aspects of everyone’s lives. His message is valuable to anyone who has ever dared to dream, and to those who aspire to be more than they are today. It is a message of hope. Failure is not inevitable just because you think something cannot be done, or you have had misfortunes on your journey.


What does it mean to be impossible?

  1. Identify your goal. This is where you decide how big you want to dream. What impossibility do you want to destroy?
  2. Believe in your goal and believe in yourself. So many great ideas are lost to doubt. Have a firm grasp on your confidence and see yourself being successful.
  3. Surround yourself with support. You will need a strong inner circle. These are the people from whom you will draw strength when you are low. They will be your sounding board and your source of advice. These are the people you can trust to never discourage your impossible pursuits.
  4. Be comfortable outside your comfort zone. There is risk associated with tackling the impossible. Be prepared to be ridiculed. Do not be swayed by the nay-sayers. You may need to refer to Step 2 many times throughout the process.
  5. Commit to the results. You are not going to achieve your goal overnight. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
  6. Recognize successes along the way. Getting to the finish line will take time, but you will see glimmers of promise along the way. Do not hesitate to celebrate those wins. They will serve as motivation on tough days.
  7. Help those behind you. Once you do the impossible, help someone else achieve their impossible goal. Remember that everything you know, you learned from someone else. So, this is an opportunity for someone else to learn something from you.

I admire Matt so much for the way he lives his mission. Not only does he work as an oncology pharmacist where he helps those battling cancer every day, but last year he ran the full Columbus Marathon and raised more than $32,000 for childhood cancer research. In Matt’s words, “Every step of that race was a victory. Team Impossible gave hope to those who had none, and that is the greatest gift one can give.”


Seeing Matt’s courage and resilience through such a life-altering challenge gives hope to children who have cancer. And it gives me hope and a deep sense of empathy. I hope I never take for granted that I can walk, run, and stand without thought. I have the privilege of waking up every morning with both my legs, yet I have never attempted to run a marathon.


We all have ways we can help and inspire others. Much of my time is spent writing and training for I know if I can help others without expectation of anything in return, they may be inspired to help others as well.


Be willing to help anyone, even your competitors. They are not your enemies. In fact, they may be your best friends. The less you share with others, the less they will share with you. Then both of you will lose out on the opportunity to help each other, be more successful, and achieve the impossible.


Had I been armed with Matt’s quote when I first got into business, I can only imagine where I would be as a businessman today. It would have changed my approach to life, opportunity, and adversity.


Many of us will never reach Matt’s depth of acumen in this lifetime, but he has, without question, given us something to aspire to. I challenge you to re-evaluate the impossible. Shift your perspective. Throw out your inhibitions and give way to your dreams. Stop allowing the challenge before you to be impossible. YOU be impossible.

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